Quote of Week:

“There is no courage without fear... it’s okay to be afraid. So long as you don’t let it stop you.”

The Flash issue 9

Friday, July 20, 2012

People use art to show support to victims

People across the country are using art to support the victims of this tragedy

                                            Aurora shooting victims wallpaper

For more, look here: http://news.yahoo.com/photos/fan-art-lends-support-for-shooting-victims-slideshow/

The Colorado Theater shooting

Early this morning at the Century 16 theater in Aurora, Colorado, 12 people were killed and 59 injured during the viewing of the Batman The Dark Knight Rises. My condolences to the audience in that tragic event.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Batman's Rides

Tomorrow is the US Premire of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises! So in honor of the event, I would to showcase from my collection the Batmobile cars. Last year I went to the WB Tour in Los Angeles,  I was able to view these iconic vehicles:
The Batmobile
This version of the Batmobile was seen in Tim Burton’s Batman and Batman Return's films.  You’ve probably seen this car in Onstar commercials in the past. From what I was told, there really is a built in Onstar button in there.

The Tumbler
I was really lucky to have seen the Tumbler and The Batpod, before the filming of third Batman movie. The vehicle does not possess a front axel.

The Batpod
In the Dark Knight, Batpod is a motorcycle formed by the front wheels and struts of the Tumbler.  It is steered by the shoulders instead of hands , while the rider’s arms are protected by a shield.

If you haven’t been to the  VIP WB Tour, it’s great! In this tour you get the see “Behind the scenes” and “Into the Scenes” of your favorite WB Shows and films. Tourists view the sets, props and stages of their favorite tv shows and movies like, Harry Potter, Batman, Friends, The Big Bang Theory, and The Ellen Degeneres Show.  It is 2 hours and 25 minutes, but it’s worth it. Make your reservation today!

Holy Sardines! Batman dukes it out with a shark!

The scene is so hilarious! There's so much going on here. I love how every item has a label on it. And I don’t know if the shark fell back into the water and made a big splash or it exploded. I guess you’ll have to find out:

Bruce Lee in Batman

Did you know that Bruce Lee when he played as Kato in the Green Hornet made a special appearance in the Batman television series? Check it out:

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Legend of Korra series is fired up a second season

The Legend of Korra has been approved for a second season! Then after that they have an additional 26 episodes! For more information click on the link Entertainment Weekly link: http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/07/11/legend-of-korra-second-season/

Korra gang getting their swag on

Photo: More from Comic Con! Today was the Korra panel and signing!

Check out this group from Comic Con! Cool huh?

The Amazing Spider Man Review

I have to admit when I first heard about the remake of Spider Man, I was a bit skeptical. However, when I watched the Amazing Spider-Man it was well…amazing! The story begins when young Peter Parker is left to live his Uncle Ben and Aunt May by his parents, while they leave to sort out an undisclosed ordeal. They promise to return to him, but they mysteriously disappear. His uncle and aunt step in as his parents and they become a tight knit family.
They guide him through the growing pains of adolescence such as bullying, love and finding himself. In a different scene, he goes through his basement and he finds his father’s personal belongings.  One of the items in particular, connect him to his father’s colleague of Oscorp, Dr. Curt Connors. As the story progresses, the two become the alter egos of themselves: Peter Parker as Spider-Man and Dr. Connors as the Lizards. With their new found powers they hold their fate as well as the fate of the citizens of New York City.

  There was not a lot of special effect in this movie, like the last one. That’s fine though. Sometimes, too much CGI kills the movie and takes away from the actual story.  Audiences got to see Spider-Man in a different light: the man behind the mask.  You see Peter Parker as this unpopular teenager and deal with his grown pains. Then upon that get bitten by a mutant spider and still have to understand his new mutant powers.  So, he has to find himself again. Forgive me if you have not watched the movie yet, but in one scene you see  Peter Parker don his suit for the first time and he trying to save a little boy from falling to his doom. The boy is scared, because he’s never seen a creature like him before. Then, Parker took off his mask to reveal to the boy he was human. After revealing his face, the boy trusts him and Parker/Spider-Man saves him. What is great about the movie is the human connections. You witness whether these Spider-Man characters are mutant or human, they have contributed to their society for better or for worse.  To refer to Uncle Ben’s quote, “If you have a good talent, use it to do good.” Everyone from Spider-Man to an ordinary person helped to save the day from the clutches of Mr. Lizard/ Dr. Conners.  Yet even in this movie, you see Mr. Lizard/Dr. Conners, an archnemisis of Spider-Man struggle with his own human frailties and moralities.


Director  Marc Web did a great putting this movie together  and the actors of for this remake were well chosen. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone portrayed Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy very well. I liked in particularly  how Garfield captured this character and made him relatable.
 Martin Sheen and Sally Field did a great job playing as Uncle Ben and Aunt May.  And Rhys Ifans was superb as Dr. Conner/Mr. Lizard. A little Dr. Jerkel and Mr. Hyde thing going on in his character.
There were a few unsolved things in the movie. Will Peter ever know what happen to his parents? Does he ever find his Uncle’s killer? If there is a sequel, it will hopefully be unrevealed there.
The previous Spider-Man movies will always be in heart, but I have to say I enjoyed this movie too. I will give this show 5/5 reading glasses.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm amazing too

I like both Spider-Mans, but I thought this pic was kinda funny.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

First Season of the Legend of Korra on Nicktoons

The Legend of Korra (TV show)
Tomorrow, Monday at 9pm Nicktoons will start the first season of the Legend of Korra along with exclusive commentary and extras.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The only bending Amon approves of

The Most Wanted Pirate...

The Flash issue #9

On July’s issue of The Flash #9, The Flash escapes the Speed Force and winds up in Gorilla City, a city ruled by advanced Gorillas hidden from the human world. His presence alarms the Gorilla community, because of the lightning symbol he wore. They called him “The Messenger”  because  signaled the end of their times.
  The Gorilla elders then took him into an underground cave that had ancient pictures depicting beginning of their people. One of the elders explained that eons ago when their ancestors were struck by lightening, they received the ability to see the past, present, and future.  However, this “Light” of space and time that once helped their society to move forward, became lost over the generations. After their failed attempt to connect with the light, it went to find others who would be worthy of its power. Eventually in time, it found “The One”: Barry Allen/Flash. The elders reminded him, as “The Light’s” representative, he was chosen protect the world and help keep it moving forward. Then out of nowhere, one of King Grodd’s guard kills the elder, while Grodd himself, corners Flash. Grodd tells him that he will eat his brains to absorb his power in his conquest to take over the world. Paralyzed in fear, he had a flashback of his mother telling him it was okay to be scared, because “there is no courage without fear. Remember Barry, it’s okay to be afraid. So long as you don’t let it stop you.” He then remembered who he was and fought against Grodd. The fight came to an end when Grodd accidently punched through a weak pillar that had the building collapse over him. After the dual, the Gorillas released him home. Upon his return to Central City, there was rally denouncing need of having superheroes…
I would like to point out two things in this issue:
1.       Flash is called the “Messenger.”  It reminded me of Mercury from the Greek mythology, who was a messenger and a swift runner.
2.        The Elder Gorillas said their ancestors were struck by lightning and how it enabled them to see the past, present and future. If you read, The Flash #2, Barry (much after his lightning accident) finds out he has the almost has the ability to see the future.
I have been enjoying these last 9 issues of “The Flash”. In each new story, he learns something about himself and his newfound powers as the “The Flash.” This issue in my opinion said  when you know who you are and you face your fears, you too can be an unstoppable force of nature.
I give issue 9 of The Flash 4/5 reading glasses.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Darth Vader goes to Disneyland

I know this video is a year old, but it's funny. Check it out!

Dress like Spider-Man and eat a burger for free

Have you seen this commerical? This Fourth of July, if you dress like Spider-Man you'll get a free grilled cheese bacon burger from Carl's Jr. However you cannot wear a mask. I guess if you are really hungry and happen to have a spider-man costume this could work.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Legend of Korra:Skeletons in the Closet and Endgame

Last Saturday’s one hour episode of Legend of Korra was jam packed! First we find out the Amon is Tarrlok’s elder brother. Plus he’s a water bender and a bloodbender and his real name is Noatak. Their father Yakone, used his children to take revenge on Aang and Republic City. And they both fulfilled his desires by using very different methods. Next, we find how talented General Iroh is. In one scene, when he was flying in an airplane against Equalist aviators, he used lightening to take down one plane, causing it to collide with 3 other planes.

Family fighting unfortunately came about in the season finale. Hiroshi almost killed Asami with the mecatanks, if it weren’t for Bolin (“You are a horrible father!!”). Now that I think about it, there are a lot of characters in the Avatar series with daddy issues (e.g.  Zuko and Ozai and Amon and Tarrlock and Yakone). I feel sorry for her. Her boyfriend dumped her and father’s gone insane. She deserves good man. Maybe, General Iroh or  Bolin.

In the next scene,  Mako and Korra are at an Equalist rally calling out Amon on his bending powers. He takes off the mask showing his marred face. Next he proceded to show  Tenzin and the kids captured. Thankfully, Korra and Mako saved them. I it loved when Meelo said, “Prison Break!” Ha, crazy kid. Korra and Mako, try to defeat Amon, but he bloodbends them both, while robbing Korra of her powers.  Astonished at what happened to her, miraculously, Mako shocks Amon (figuratively and literally) with lighting. He quickly escapes with Korra only to held once again in Amon’s bloodbending grip. When Korra sees Mako about to have his powers stolen, she somehow airbends and defeats Amon, knocking him into the water. Doing so exposed his true face and bending capabilities.
 After the Avatar team returns to Air Temple Island, you are quickly introduced to Bumi. Then the last thing you see is Korra back at the southern water tribe, crying after finding out from Katara, she lost most of her bending.  When she shed one tear, she unknowingly summons Aang ( I felt kinda Jesus moment here), thinking him to be Tenzin. Aang said an encouraging quote to her, “When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.” At that moment, Aang and his avatar predecessors gave Korra back her Avatar powers as well as the power to restore bending. The show closes with Korra giving Mako a kiss, restoring Lyn’s powers and Tenzin calling her Avatar Korra.

Although it was a very jam packed episode, it was kind of a let down.  Korra apparently learned nothing about patience from the previous episode in “Turning the Tides”. She barely mediates, and still makes rash decisions.  Korra is able to bend air, while the rest of her powers are eradicated.  How??? When she met Aang, he said that she was able to get in touch with her spiritual side. I don’t see how, unless, he’s referring that she is showing more humility (?).Then apparently his spirit gave her the power to restore bending, as well as her own. How is that??? Aang is dead.  He received the power to revoke bending by a gargantuan sea turtle.

Amon’s ruthless and enigmatic character crumbled within minutes. As well told was the tale of  how a once  caring older brother named Noatak became a bloodbending monster named Amon, it failed to connect how he used bloodbending to server off a bender’s powers and why he started the Equalist movement.  After Amon’s defeat he goes back to Tarrlok and asks if they could to be brothers again. As much as I love family reunions, this one was weak. The death of Tarrlok  and Amon caught me off guard, but I wonder if it caught Amon off guard too? I mean the guy plans things a step ahead of time.  Who knows?

Well the one hour episode was very hurried, as if the writers wanted over with.  There was a lot of potential for character development, but it kind of fell short. Then again the series was originally made to last for one season. But now there is going to be a second season, how would that turn out? Would Amon’s former lieutenant or Asami’s father become new villains? Would Amon somehow rise from the dead? Will we meet Bumi and Tenzin’s eldest sibling?  Will the new Avatar team go on adventures outside of Republic City? I guess we have to stay tune for the next season.
As for this last episode I am going to give it 3/5 reading glasses

General Iroh

Watch this! Hillarious! Says it all!

Welcome to Geek Quarters

Welcome to Geek Quarters! My name is Ada and I will be covering pop culture elements like anime, movies, and comics as well as casting my reviews and thoughts. I hope you will enjoy blog!